Starving For Righteousness

Who Are Those Starving For Righteousness, is post 4 in the Beatitude Series and will help you understand the reason God wants us to possess this Kingdom quality. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,For they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6 Who Are Those Starving For Righteousness? Many people do not know what it entails to …

31 Scriptures On Self-Control

31 Scriptures On Self-Control will answer from the wealth of God’s Word a lot of things you would like to know on self-control. I am fully aware that this is something I say a lot, but it is worth repeating and therefore I am going to mention it again. Each time I do a topical …

Who Are The Meek?

Who Are The Meek? is post 3 in the Beatitude Series and will explain to you WHO they are, HOW this kingdom quality can be obtained, and WHAT their reward will be. “Blessed are the meek,For they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5 WHO Are The Meek? Meaning For Meek The closest word to meek in English is gentle.  …

31 Scriptures On Joy

31 Scriptures On Joy will illustrate to you from God’s Word that it is possible to live a life of abundant joy in the Lord! Anyone who lost their joy in life no matter for what reason will tell you that their biggest desire is to get it back. Seeking our joy in things and …

Who Are Those Who Mourn?

Who Are Those Who Mourn is post 2 in the Beatitudes Series. The Beatitudes are the blessings spoken by Jesus in Matthew 5, also called Sermon On The Mount. May you clearly hear the voice of the Holy Spirit ministering to you while reading Who Are Those Who Mourn. “Blessed are those who mourn,For they shall be …

31 Scriptures On Humility

31 Scriptures On Humility is to illustrate to you from Scripture the rewards God has for those who possess it. Not only is God pleased when we are humble, but a humble nature can bestow many other blessings from heaven on us. Being humble help us see how insignificant we are and how big our …

Who Are The Poor In Spirit?

Who Are The Poor In Spirit is the first post in my new Beatitudes Series. The Beatitudes are the blessings spoken by Jesus in Matthew 5, also called Sermon On The Mount. I created a Let’s Get Practical section to help you study the Scripture further and assist in a deeper understanding of the study. …

How To Use A Gratitude Journal

How To Use A Gratitude Journal with all the best tips and tricks is an article I wrote to help everyone who is unfamiliar with it cultivate a new, healthy habit of gratitude journaling. Or maybe you tried gratitude journaling in the past and gave up on it before you could reap the benefits, hopefully, …

31 Scriptures On Gratitude

31 Scriptures On Gratitude is to show you from God’s Word why it pleases His Father’s heart when we have an attitude of gratitude. Maybe you are in a dark place in your life, and cannot think of nothing anything to be grateful for, Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us that God’s mercies and compassion for us …

26 Extreme Benefits Of Gratitude

I did the research for 26 Extreme Benefits Of Gratitude over a few weeks and the results are mind-blowing!  If you rather want to jump straight to the 26 Extreme Benefits Of Gratitude you can click here. But, I will appreciate it if you don’t and read the entire article. Although my research is from …

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