Difference Between Praise & Worship

Difference Between Praise & Worship
Difference Between Praise & Worship

The Difference Between Praise And Worship is just a short article to explain well…the difference.

Although there is a clear difference between praise and worship it is also used together in singing and praying to God.

It was only while studying Praise and Worship Scriptures that I really started to grasp why God doesn’t want us to bow down to other gods. 

During my walk with God I always knew bowing down to another god’s made Him furious, but my mind couldn’t grasp the full context of it. 

It is one thing to read the Bible and quite another thing to start understanding Scripture and have it illuminate your whole being. 

Words can be just empty letters on a page, while when you start to experience those words coming to life in your soul, mind, and spirit it is something totally different. 

This is the same with praise and worship. 

When you don’t give praise and worship to God from your soul, mind, and spirit it is merely empty words.

Before moving on to the difference between praise and worship I just want to give a quick explanation of it. 

It is easy to praise and worship other people or things.

No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord].

Matthew 6:24

In this Scripture, Jesus is referring to riches, but you can serve other things as well like your work, hobbies, other people, etc. 

No wonder when you allow other things to overshadow your life you can easily feel overwhelmed and your life is meaningless and you will also start to have less time for God. 

When you learn to have a healthy balance in your life not allowing other things to take over your whole life and still have time for God, then your life will have meaning, and His light will drive out all the darkness in your heart, soul, and mind.

Let’s move on to the difference between praise & worship.


  • Praise is about God.
  • When we praise God it is a heartfelt thankfulness, happiness, relief, and gratitude for the things He has done for us, things we know we could never achieve on our own without His divine intervention and help.
  • It is boldly testifying and declaring all His good deeds.
  • It can also be a faith declaration to thank God for what He did for you in the past knowing without a shadow of a doubt He can do it again.
  • One beautiful example of praise in the Bible is when Paul and Silas were in prison and at midnight started to pray and praise God there was an earthquake that shook the foundations of the prison floor and the doors were opened.  (Acts 16:25-26)
  • Psalm 100:4 also tells us we enter His presence with thanksgiving and praise. 
  • Thanksgiving is also praise, thanking God, and showing Him gratitude for what He has done. 


  • Worship is to God
  • It is when we humbly bow before God in our hearts if we cannot bow physically to bow in our hearts.
  • It’s when we give God honor for who He is.
  • It is to exalt, extol giving Him glory and honor.
  • When we admire God by praying His Names and Attributes.
  • When we show God respect for being our Almighty God and express our reverence toward Him.
  • To worship God in truth without any deceit in our hearts.
  • “God is spirit [the Source of life, yet invisible to mankind], and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24
Beautiful examples of Praise & Worship from the Lord’s prayer.

The perfect way to pray:

Our Father in heaven, (worship – praying His Name and Attributes.)

Hallowed be Your name.  (praise – declaring who He is.)

Your kingdom come. (worship – declare God’s kingdom priorities should be established.)

 Your will be done  On earth as it is in heaven. (worship with your soul – put everything aside and surrender it all to God)  

Give us this day our daily bread. (tell God about your needs and ask Him to meet them.)

And forgive us our debts,  As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, (confess your sins and pray for your spiritual health.) 

But deliver us from the evil one. (pray for God’s divine protection) 

For Yours are the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. (praise and worship – acknowledging God for His reign and power and glory.)

I hope you enjoyed this article and if you have not already used praise and worship in your prayer time you will start to do so.

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Everything in Him, unto Him, and to glorify His holy Name!


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Published by Tabitha

Gerda van Breda Daughter of the King of kings! Wife to Jacques, Mother to Marisa, Anne-Marie & Izak, and my sons-in-law Jacques & Seth. Grandmother to my two adorable grandsons Leo & Liam. Also mother to my four furry four-legged children. Kingdom Blogger - Online Missionary & Disciple Maker - Creator & Designer of Prayer & Bible Study Resources - Write under the pseudonym Tabith Blogs. I'm passionate about the things of the Kingdom Of God and my family, I also have many hobbies of which crochet is my favorite as it relaxes me.

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