How To Worship In Spirit And In Truth

How To Worship The Father In Spirit And In Truth
How To Worship The Father In Spirit And In Truth.

How To Worship In Spirit And In Truth is an article I wrote to explain HOW to be the kind of worshipper God’s heart is longing for.

The Father’s heart is yearning for us to worship Him in spirit and in truth, and it is my prayer you will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit ministering to you while reading this article.

How To Worship In Spirit And In Truth

 “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.”

John 3:23

After I studied this Scripture it so beautifully illuminated the heart of worship—where we become so small and God so big, where our eyes are 100% fixed on God.

We are the worshippers—we are sinners, have a human nature, make mistakes, and get entangled in the things of the world.

When we worship God we give Him all the glory and honor, exalt, glorify, magnify and adore Him.

To worship Him in spirit we cannot speak only with our mouths and not with our hearts.  Then it will be shallow.

When we worship Him it must come straight from our hearts.

To worship the Father in truth our hearts must be pure, without deceit, sincere, and dependent on God—God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and all His other Names and Attributes we use during prayer.

To worship the Father in truth our eyes must be clear to see Who we worship.

When our eyes are not clear to see WHO we worship, there may be deceit in our hearts and we worship Him with the wrong motives.

When we have wrong motives we may not have a clear image of God and only worship Him for what we can get out of it or from Him.

To worship the Father in spirit and truth, we must learn to put our own nature and needs aside and see only God before us on His throne.

When we surrender our needs and confess our transgressions it gives us a clear vision to see God Almighty on His throne when we worship Him.

Now we also understand Matthew 6:33 so much better: 

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Let’s Get Practical

To worship the Father in spirit and in truth we must:
  1. First, put our own needs aside by praying and telling God about them and surrendering them to Him.
  2. If the Holy Spirit revealed any sin to us confess it.
  3. Pray and ask God to purify our hearts so we will have no deceit, that we will be pure, and our focus on Him alone.
  4. Praise and worship God from the bottom of our hearts, knowing He is the King of kings and universe sitting on His heavenly throne.
  5. By praying His Names and Attributes it can help us to focus on Him and not on ourselves.

It is my heartfelt prayer that the Holy Spirit ministered to you while reading this and if there is something you must change in your life how to do it.

4 Reasons To Worship God is to illustrate to you from Scripture the results there are when we worship God in difficult times for a breakthrough, while the article Praise God Before Your Victory Manifest will illustrate to you exactly how to do that. If you do not understand the Difference Between Praise & Worship this article will help you to recognize the distinction.

If you would like to add some of God’s attributes to your prayers, these articles will assist you with that: Names Of God The Father, Names Of Jesus Christ The Son, Names Of The Holy Spirit, Names Of God From Original Languages.

Please share this article on social media to enrich others with these treasures from God’s Word.

If there is anything you would like to add to this article, please tell us in the comments below.

Everything in Him, unto Him, and to glorify His holy Name!


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Published by Tabitha

Gerda van Breda Daughter of the King of kings! Wife to Jacques, Mother to Marisa, Anne-Marie & Izak, and my sons-in-law Jacques & Seth. Grandmother to my two adorable grandsons Leo & Liam. Also mother to my four furry four-legged children. Kingdom Blogger - Online Missionary & Disciple Maker - Creator & Designer of Prayer & Bible Study Resources - Write under the pseudonym Tabith Blogs. I'm passionate about the things of the Kingdom Of God and my family, I also have many hobbies of which crochet is my favorite as it relaxes me.

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