Post 1 in the AT HIS FEET series assists in our understanding of how obedience Permits us To Fulfill Righteousness.
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May this article help you to be enlightened by the Words of Jesus.
Permit To Fulfill Righteousness
“And John tried to prevent Him, saying, “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?”
But Jesus answered and said to him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed Him.”
Matthew 3:14-15
Jesus waited 30 years to fulfill God’s plan for His mission to earth.
Understanding Why Submission To God Is Important
Jesus submit to God to went through the expected growth and stages in life, both growing physically, spiritually, and emotionally to reach the wholeness of His spirituality by John baptizing Him.
This passage is about baptism, yet Jesus who was without sin did not need the baptism.
Interestingly it is alleged that the Jews did not consent and or agreed to be baptized before this.
They did not believe that they needed to be baptized because they are God’s chosen race, and they were self-confident that they have God’s salvation.
Jesus goes to John to be baptized by him, and John’s emerging question comes from knowing his own inferiority to Jesus’ superiority.
Jesus declares what God expects from His children, as well as His submission to what His Father expects Him to do.
Understanding Obedience To Do God’s Will
John’s message of repentance and confession of sins is what God expects from each of us as an essential requirement to enter His Kingdom.
Some translations refer to Jesus saying to John that they should: ‘suffer it to be so now’ while others use the word ‘permit.’
This may be to show his attitude to bow down to His Father for Himself and John to take on the form of a sinner by humiliating themselves to show they have rid themselves of pride and become inferior.
Jesus told John to permit this baptism to happen to fulfill all righteousness.
To be obedient to God so that His followers and disciples could follow in His footsteps.
In this Jesus demonstrated His willingness to obey God’s principles.
In a world filled with searching souls, realizing their need for God and longing for fulfillment this act of obedience from Jesus was one of the things His Father expected from Him before His ministry started.
Jesus had no sins to be washed away, yet he knew that His followers had, and He had to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness.
A Reward Followed By Obedience
Then when He had been baptized the heavens were opened and God said in a loud voice: ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’
“When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.””
Matthew 3:16-17
Through Jesus, the heavens opened to all of us to receive His Spirit.
Through His death on the cross, Jesus filled the gap of sin between us and God, but there is also beauty in the baptism not letting us pass and that is the demonstration of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is anointed with the Spirit for His ministry.
In the Old Testament the meek, gentle, innocent dove was offered as a sacrifice to God. Jesus too will become the innocent, gentle, meek sacrifice for all of us.
Understanding Repentance And Confession Of Sins
There are so many controversies about baptism, and I do not feel led to go into that, but the important takeaway for us in this message is REPENTANCE and CONFESSION of sins.
Sin is what causes a division between us and God.
By repentance, confession, and asking God’s forgiveness we are reconciled to our Heavenly Father, and God’s righteousness will take root in our lives.
The Holy Spirit who is grieved by sin will remain with us after we humbled ourselves in prayer before God.
Not only can we be sure to receive eternal life, but we can be comforted that God is then well pleased with us.
“Come now, and let us reason together,”
Isaiah 1:18
Says the Lord,
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.
.Application: What is God asking you to do to ‘permit to fulfill His righteousness?’ What will show others, Jesus, through your example? When we are sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, He will show us so many things He wants us to do. Maybe to show kindness to someone who has done you wrong? Ask Him to show you how you can fulfill His righteousness in your life.
Prayer points: If you are uncertain about the baptism and feel the need to know more about it, ask God to show you if there is someone you can talk to about it. Prayerfully ask God to show you anything that stands between you and Him that you need to repent and confess. Then ask and receive His forgiveness.
Promise: When we walk a path of obedience to Christ, we can be sure that God is well pleased with us and that His Holy Spirit is resting upon us.
Additional reading: Matthew 3:1-17; Luke 2:22-24; Psalm 2:1-12; Isaiah 1:1-20.
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