Praise God Before Your Victory Manifest!

Praise God Before Your Victory Manifest
Praise God Before Your Victory Manifest

Praise God Before Your Victory Manifest! is an article that was born when I was pleading my case before our Judge over heaven and earth.

Praise & Worship is some of our strongest weapons in spiritual warfare and it is always advisable to start with them before moving to any other prayer methods.

Praise God Before Your Victory Manifest will reveal to you 7 truths about glorifying God when you feel there is no outcome.

1. God will show Himself Strong on Your behalf.

Once again God showed Himself Strong on my behalf and answered me in more unique ways than I can ever pray or think.

“And my tongue shall speak of Your righteousness And of Your praise all the day long.”

Psalm 35:28

Dawid wrote this prayer asking God to rescue him from his enemies.

Psalm 35 is when we feel abandoned in a world surrounded by enemies. 

It is a beautiful Psalm with so many praises and worship shouts intertwined. 

Whenever you feel all alone in the world, read Psalm 35 from start to finish and make a summary of the things you know God gave you victory on.

Whether you are in the desert or the storm, just remember you are never alone. 

God is with you in the desert and in the storm and He will never leave you nor forsake you.

As God’s children, His chosen ones, it is with gladness we speak of His righteousness, even while working, or doing our daily tasks singing in our hearts songs of praises to Him.

2. Thank God for fighting your righteous cause.

Speak praises to Him, continually thanking Him for conquering the cross and death for us and thanking God for fighting our righteous cause.

With our tongues, voices, soul, and spirit, we thank Him, proclaiming our praises to Him.

Context verse before:

“Let them shout for joy and be glad,
Who favor my righteous cause;
And let them say continually,
“Let the Lord be magnified,
Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”

Psalm 35:27

My own interpretation of this verse is when we have people praying for us, standing with us before God’s throne pleading our case. 

3. Do you have someone praying for you?

If you do not have someone to pray for you ask the Lord to erect someone, I have so many amazing testimonies of how God answered this for me and He can do it for you too.

I also found one of my greatest encouragement is knowing Jesus is interceding for me by His Father.

4. God will lift you up before Your enemies.

Another interpretation can be when God lifts you up in the presence of your enemies.

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.”

Psalm 23:5

You will praise God when He proves Himself the only Strong and Mighty Warrior on your behalf when everything works out for the best, and beyond that when miracle after miracle starts manifesting in your life.

Remember if the outcome of your prayer will bring life in the spiritual realm and glory to God, you can always know you pray within God’s will.

5. Magnify God while waiting…

“Let the Lord be magnified,”

Psalm 35:27

His Attributes here will be to magnify Him:  Fair Judge, Almighty God, Judge over heaven and earth, Worthy of praise, Strong and Mighty Warrior, Lion of Judah to mention just a few.

“who delights and takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”

Psalm 35:27

The following excerpt is taken from the Kingdom Dynamics in the Spirit-filled life Bible:

Prosperity – Hebrew word laden with meaning: safety, wellness, happiness, healthiness, peacefulness.

Isn’t this both beautiful and powerful?

God wants us to be safe, well, healthy, happy, and have peace.  Not only does He want these things for us, but He delights and takes pleasure in them!!!

If you have been praying for a long time without any answer or result, I urge you to not lose hope, keep trusting, keep believing, keep your eyes on God and He will show Himself Strong on your behalf.

6. Give God all the glory and honor due to His Name!

Remember to always give God all the glory and honor prior, during, and after your victory.

7. Forgive and bless your enemies.

It doesn’t matter whether you do or don’t know who your enemies are, forgive them their sins just as Jesus forgave and ask God to forgive His enemies while dying on the cross.

Also please don’t pray psychic prayers which will bring harm to your enemies even if it’s Scriptural like in Psalm 35.

Remember the outcome of our prayers must bring life in the spiritual realm and bring glory and honor to God and not harm any human.

Let’s pray:

Thank You, Lord, for always being there for us, whether we are in the desert or the storm, you are there beside us.  Thank You for everything You do for us, Thank You for every prayer You answered and every request You grant us Your blessing and favor.  Only You will be exalted and magnified.  We love You and need You with every thing inside of us!  Amen and Amen!


  1. God will show Himself Strong on Your behalf.
  2. Thank God for fighting your righteous cause.
  3. Do you have someone praying for you?
  4. God will lift you up before your enemies.
  5. Magnify God while waiting.
  6. Always give God all the glory and honor prior to, during, and after your victory.
  7. Forgive and bless your enemies.

While reading your Bible, why not keep a notepad with you and start writing down Scripture you can use to praise and worship God during your prayer time?

It is my prayer that you were blessed by this article and that the Lord will show Himself Strong on your behalf in the presence of your enemies.

How To Worship In Spirit And In Truth will explain how to be the kind of worshipper God’s heart is longing after. 4 Reasons To Worship God is to illustrate to you from Scripture the results there are when we worship God in difficult times for a breakthrough.

Please share this article on social media to empower others with these truths from Praise God Before Your Victory Manifest.

Please tell us in the comments below if there is anything you would like to add to this article.

Everything in Him, unto Him, and to glorify His holy Name!


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Published by Tabitha

Gerda van Breda Daughter of the King of kings! Wife to Jacques, Mother to Marisa, Anne-Marie & Izak, and my sons-in-law Jacques & Seth. Grandmother to my two adorable grandsons Leo & Liam. Also mother to my four furry four-legged children. Kingdom Blogger - Online Missionary & Disciple Maker - Creator & Designer of Prayer & Bible Study Resources - Write under the pseudonym Tabith Blogs. I'm passionate about the things of the Kingdom Of God and my family, I also have many hobbies of which crochet is my favorite as it relaxes me.

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