31 Scriptures On Persecution

31 Scriptures On Persecution will help you realize that each one of us who desires to live godly lives will face persecution. “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” 2 Timothy 3:12 Every Christian living a fruitful life will suffer persecution. To understand this concept better you can read …

31 Scriptures On Forgiveness

31 Scriptures On Forgiveness will help you to look at forgiveness from every possible angle to assist in understanding the concept better. Forgiveness is such a wide subject to understand and there had been many books written and sermons preached on it. To fully understand forgiveness it is necessary to look at it from every …

Pure In Heart

Who Are The Pure In Heart? is post 6 in the Beatitude Series from Matthew 5 helping us to understand the reasons God expects us to have clean, undefiled hearts. Blessed are the pure in heart,For they shall see God. Matthew 5:8 May you experience the tangible presence of God when reading this article. Who Are The Pure …

Who Are The Merciful

Who Are The Merciful? is post 5 in the Beatitude Series and will illustrate to you from Scripture that we are doing God’s will and will be blessed by being merciful. Blessed are the merciful,For they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7 I pray you will clearly discern the voice of the Holy Spirit ministering to you while …

31 Scriptures On God’s Protection

31 Scriptures On God’s Protection will remind you of God’s faithfulness and promises towards His children. Like most of God’s promises, there is also a condition we must oblige to. Recently, a series of negative events happened to me and my family. From the second incident, I immediately started praying to ask the Lord to …

Starving For Righteousness

Who Are Those Starving For Righteousness, is post 4 in the Beatitude Series and will help you understand the reason God wants us to possess this Kingdom quality. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,For they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6 Who Are Those Starving For Righteousness? Many people do not know what it entails to …

31 Scriptures On Self-Control

31 Scriptures On Self-Control will answer from the wealth of God’s Word a lot of things you would like to know on self-control. I am fully aware that this is something I say a lot, but it is worth repeating and therefore I am going to mention it again. Each time I do a topical …

Who Are The Meek?

Who Are The Meek? is post 3 in the Beatitude Series and will explain to you WHO they are, HOW this kingdom quality can be obtained, and WHAT their reward will be. “Blessed are the meek,For they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5 WHO Are The Meek? Meaning For Meek The closest word to meek in English is gentle.  …

31 Scriptures On Joy

31 Scriptures On Joy will illustrate to you from God’s Word that it is possible to live a life of abundant joy in the Lord! Anyone who lost their joy in life no matter for what reason will tell you that their biggest desire is to get it back. Seeking our joy in things and …

Who Are Those Who Mourn?

Who Are Those Who Mourn is post 2 in the Beatitudes Series. The Beatitudes are the blessings spoken by Jesus in Matthew 5, also called Sermon On The Mount. May you clearly hear the voice of the Holy Spirit ministering to you while reading Who Are Those Who Mourn. “Blessed are those who mourn,For they shall be …

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