Who Are The Meek? is post 3 in the Beatitude Series and will explain to you WHO they are, HOW this kingdom quality can be obtained, and WHAT their reward will be.
“Blessed are the meek,
Matthew 5:5
For they shall inherit the earth.”
WHO Are The Meek? Meaning For Meek
The closest word to meek in English is gentle. The Greek word for meek is praus, and it carries the meaning of someone who is self-controlled, at peace, and untroubled.
Aristotle, who used extremes to define a word, defines meek as the balance between extreme anger and extreme anger lessness. Some commentaries describe meek as a spiritually mature person who is slow to anger, resistant to wrath, long-suffering, peace-loving, courteous, forgiving, do not return evil for evil.
The meek submit their lives to God, give a soft answer to turn away wrath, and keep their faith, are content and happy even when they do not possess anything.
HOW This Kingdom Quality Can Be Obtained
Considering all this I would summarise all these descriptions for meek in one word: self-control.
Only when we have an intimate relationship with God can we practice complete self-control by becoming God-controlled.
Meekness is to bear fruit in the driest as well as the stormiest seasons of our lives.
To submit our lives into His hands, knowing He knows the best and is in control.
To be meek is to be humble enough to know that we need God in every area and circumstance of our lives, that our existence starts and ends with God, and that we are nothing and can do nothing without Him.
He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty,
Proverbs 16:32
And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.
The meek is like the person from Proverbs 16:32 who is slow to anger, they possess the ability to suppress their anger, do not want to get even for injustice done to them, are quick to forgive, and they know their reward is with their Father in heaven.
The meek want to prevent misconduct and hurt to themselves and others at all times.
To be meek is to be God-controlled in our passions, daily lives, and conduct.
WHAT Is The Reward For The Meek?
The true achievement of meekness is that those who are able to rule their spirits are more than conquerors.
It is to those who are able to rule their own spirits to whom Jesus promise they shall inherit the earth, they shall inherit the ‘new earth’, because the earth we live on presently, will be burned up.
Peace, contentment, joy, and happiness belong to those who are God-controlled, angry at the right things, who have their own lives under control, and in humility able to recognize their own weaknesses. This is meek who will be joint-heirs with Christ to inherit the earth.
Let’s Get Practical
Application: We can apply this to our own lives by humbling ourselves before God, and He will exalt us (James 4:10). By living as new creatures in Christ, the old has passed and the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Promise: When we live God-controlled lives, we can be sure that we will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5) and that we are a step closer to finding the Kingdom of God so all the other things will be added to us (Matthew 6:33)
Prayer points: Pray and confess 2 Timothy 1:7 that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control. Pray that He will increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30). Pray to be doers of the Word, not deceiving ourselves by only being hearers (James 1:22)
Additional reading: Psalm 37:7; Psalm 37:11; Luke 14:7-33
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Everything in Him, unto Him, and to glorify His Holy Name!

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